St Edmund's RC Primary School

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St Edmund's RC Primary School

Hour of Code 2021

Hour of Code is celebrated all over the world on the week 6th - 10th December.

Each class in KS1 and KS2 completed a coding activity, as part of Hour of Code,
to promote Computer Science around the world. 


Year 1/2: Scratch JR
In Year 1/2 we tried an app for coding: Scratch Junior. We designed a character, created a background and used code to move them around.

What did KS1 enjoy?

"I enjoyed his dancing because it made me laugh." - Amelia   "We had to help him move the logs to fix the wall." - Maja   "We moved the instructions in the right order to tell him what to do." - Ava   

Lower KS2

Year 3/4: Python

This year for Hour of Code, Year 3/4 were introduced to the coding language of Python. We really enjoyed this. 

What did LKS2 think of this years Hour of Code?

"I really enjoyed it because it was really different."    "Thank you for lettings us learn new things about coding."     "I thought it was fun and we got to play with letters and numbers to create python code."    "I really enjoyed doing a different coding than we normally do."

Upper KS2

Year 5/6: Create your own Google Logo

This year in Year 5/6 for our Hour of Code Activity, we adapted and created our own Google Logo, with moving, interactive letters, fantastic 'costumes' and exciting backgrounds! 

What did UKS2 think about this years Hour of Code? 

"We coded the background changes and the dances for the animals." - Nicole T "I enjoyed that you could change the characters, the backgrounds and the moves a lot, because it let you make your own dance for the song." - Brandon 

"We learned how to change the dance. I enjoyed the cute bear character and it looked cool when it was dancing." Ellie "I learned how to code my dancer and I enjoyed it because  I want to create my own game in the future and coding helps me do it."