Physical Education
Physical Education at St Edmunds aspires to offer a rich, varied and inclusive curriculum that both, meets the expectations of the National Curriculum, and provides high quality opportunities for all pupils to undertake a wide range of physical activities, which may not be available in the wider community. Our pupils’ personal development is at the heart of everything we do: We are helping to develop a culture across school, which improves academic achievement and the overall health and well being of our pupils, whilst enabling them to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Through the development of pupils’ skills, physical movement and knowledge of sport, we hope to: build resilience and independence; embed values such as teamwork and respect; develop communication and leadership skills.
If you would like to know more about the Physical Education curriculum at St Edmund's, please arrange an appointment with your child's teacher or Mr Kilner, or alternatively follow links on this page to the statutory information.
Lower KS2
LKS2 began their Beyond the Physical topic 'Accuracy, Power,
Distance'. In this unit, they have to: identify the movements necessary to be as effective as possible when playing a sport. As always, the unit includes lots of opportunities to discuss in pairs and groups to improve tactics and ways of developing skills.
Agility, balance, coordination. KS1 have been doing gymnastics in their PE lessons this half term. KS1 have developed fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and
confident whilst also accessing a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others.
Upper KS2
UKS2 started the theme of 'Aim, Strike, Retrieve' by throwing and catching through different ball games. Children then focused on how body shape and hand positions can effect catching. Children worked collaboratively to play competitive games whilst applying the skills they had been taught.
Extra Curricular
Tri Kidz
Fair Share Dare
Quick sticks hockey
Sport Relief
Flag American Football
Graystone Action Sports
British Cycling Training
Year 5 and 6 have began their weekly bicycle sessions, alongside British Cycling coaches. Pupils have been partaking in 5 week blocks, culminating with a trip to the newly constructed BMX track at Peel Park.