Nursery Class 2024 - 25
Hello and welcome to the Nursery website page.
This is where you can take a look at all your children's learning and first steps on their educational journey.
Throughout the year this page will be updated with parent information, learning experiences, photos, events, and much, much more.
Team Red
Mrs Bramer (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Brookes (Thursday - Friday) - Class Teachers
Mrs Backhouse - Teaching Assistant
Miss Matthews - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Taylor - Teaching Assistant
Miss Gray - HLTA
In Nursery we have three key groups, which are the Lions, Bears and Tigers.
If you have any questions or queries, then please speak to Mrs Bramer, Mrs Brookes or your child's key worker. They will be more than happy to help.
Mrs Bramer and Mrs Brookes - Lions Key Worker
Mrs Backhouse - Tigers Key Worker
Miss Matthews - Bears Key Worker
Nursery Reminders:
Please ensure that your child has a full change of clothes in a labelled draw string bag. Thank you!
Autumn One Term 2024
What happens in Autumn?
The children have been learning about what happens in Autumn, by enjoying lots of Autumn related stories, such as, Shark in the Park on a Windy Day. They have been on an Autumn walk, and exploring Autumn objects too! They loved touching and exploring the spiky conker shells.
Owl Babies
We have shared the story, Owl Babies with the Nursery children. They've adored this story. The children have been busy learning about where owls live and what they eat. The children made their own nests for the owl babies and they created owls with different media and play dough.
Autumn Two Term 2024
Marvellous Me!
Nursery have loved our Autumn two topic 'Marvellous Me'. We have enjoyed talking about our families, looking at how we have changed since birth and celebrating how unique and special we all are.
The children have been learning all about Advent and The First Christmas this half term. They have been very busy creating a class postbox which they used to send their letters to Father Christmas. It has been such a wonderful half term, especially with our amazing Christmas singing and crafts afternoon.
Bonfire Night
During this half term, the children have enjoyed learning all about Bonfire Night. They explored how to keep safe and shared their own experiences. The children got to explore colour mixing and enjoyed listening to the story 'Pete the Cat'.
Rhyme Time Challenge
Spring One Term 2025
This half term the children have loved learning about our winter topic. We have looked at different winter stories, Jack Frost, Polar bear what do you hear and more. The children created beautiful winter pictures. We explored the snow and ice outside. Nursery loved acting out the snowball fight in Jack Frost.
During the half term we have learnt all about bears. We looked at bear stories Goldilocks and the three bears, Brown bear what did you hear, Polar bear what did you hear and We're going on a bear hunt. The children loved acting out the story of were going on a bear hunt. They enjoyed making bear faces with different objects and painting beautiful pictures of bears.