Sacramental Programme
Our everyday life is full of important signs and symbols which express deeper meaning through physical realities. As social beings we need signs and symbols to communicate with others, through language, gestures or actions. The same is true of our relationship with God.
We know that God is always with us because we see signs of God’s love in the world and in our lives. There are moments when God’s love and presence touches our lives in a special way. The Church’s seven sacraments celebrate some of these important moments.
In the celebration of a sacrament we meet God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We celebrate with actions, words, signs and symbols. The seven sacraments help us to appreciate who God is, what God is like and what God is doing everywhere and for each person. It is God saying ‘I am with you and I love you.’ The sacraments are the life giving power which comes from Christ:
And all in the crowd were trying touch him, for power came out from him and healed them all,
Luke 6:19
The sacraments are the action of the Holy Spirit at work in the Church. Christ is present in the sacraments, through the power of the Holy Spirit. They help us to live the love of God the Creator which showed itself through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The purpose of the sacraments is to nourish and strengthen the faith of believers and to give worship to God. The words and actions of the sacraments are a teaching tool which integrates and makes holy both creation and human culture and it gives them dignity.
By interpreting the signs and symbols correctly we can find out what the sacrament is doing for those who receive it. The signs are not just words and actions that have a message for those who are celebrating it; they also confer gift on those who receive it. This gift (which Catholics call ‘grace’), is given by God the Father through Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. It deepens and develops our relationship with God.
Sacramental Programme sessions are after school on a Thursday throughout the school year. These sessions are very well attended by children and parents from our school and schools within our local area. Fr John leads the sessions along with LKS2 teaching staff. Members of the Parish also come along to support as catechists. Families can also choose to attend sessions at Christ the King Church on Tuesday evenings if this is more convenient for them. Click here for the dates of this year's sessions.
As part of their faith journey the children make their first confession in Church to reconcile with God. The children are taught that we can be forgiven by God when we are truly sorry for the wrong choices that we have made.
One of the first sessions of the Sacramental Programme is held in St Edmund's Church. The children explore the inside of the Church to help them identify and learn more about the holy objects within our special place of worship.
First Holy Communion 2023
This year, 47 pupils made their First Holy Communions in St Edmund's Church on either the 13th or 20th May 2023. These Masses were well-attended by families and friends who had travelled from far and wide to celebrate this special occasion with the children.
On Friday 26th May, there was a special Mass in St Edmund's where the children could gather to celebrate together. We then held a celebration party in school and Father John presented the children with their certificates.
First Holy Communion 2022
Pupils made their First Holy Communions in St Edmund's Church on either the 18th or 25th June 2022.
We attended Mass together on Friday 8th July, then held a celebration in school where children were presented with their certificates.