St Edmund's RC Primary School

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Queen Street, Little Hulton, Salford M38 0WH

0161 921 1940

St Edmund's RC Primary School


Subject Intent

At St Edmund’s our Science curriculum nurtures children’s natural curiosity. Science enables children to explore and discover the world around them, confidently, so that they have a deeper understanding of the world we live in. Our exciting and stimulating lessons empower children to have practical and hands-on experiences which encourage and challenge their curiosity and questioning.  Community involvement is an integral part of our curriculum, inviting families to celebrate learning new skills and sharing experiences.  At St Edmund’s we want all children to communicate effectively, using their vocabulary and spoken skills, and work both as an independent thinker and collaboratively in Science to allow them to achieve to the best of their individual ability.

Here are some of the things we said about Science at St Edmund's:  

"If you want to learn new things then Science is always there for you."   "It helps us to learn and experiment."    "It's very interesting."    "It's fun because you learn new things." 


In Nursery this year, some of the things we are learning about include:  Caterpillars, making healthy choices, using our senses, collecting materials, planting seeds, and caring for the natural environment. 

In Reception this year, some of the things we will be learning about include: healthy eating, toothbrushing, good routines with screentime and sleep, being a safe pedestrian, exploring the natural world, and understanding the effects of changing seasons.

We have been learning about the season of Winter, and have been completing lots of Winter Activities, like building an igloo, creating snowflakes and playing with winter items. It snowed so much recently! We have learned about keeping safe in the snow, and we enjoyed exploring the snow and ice outside. 

In EYFS, we have been learning about what happens in Autumn. We discussed the changing colour of the leaves and how some of the trees lose their leaves. Then we made hedgehogs using the fallen leaves from the trees.  We went on an Autumn walk, to the School Nature garden, where we discovered leaves, acorns, seeds and even hibernation huts for hedgehogs! 

Key Stage One

In Year 1 this year we are learning about Everyday Materials, Seasonal Change, Plants, and Animals including Humans.

In Year 2 this year we are learning about Everyday Materials, Living Things and their Habitats, Plants, and Animals including Humans.

Year 1 started their topic of Seasonal Change by noting down their pre-learning on the features of each season.

Year 2 started their topic of Living Things and their Habitats by noting down their pre-learning on animals they know about and examples of different habitats.  

In 'Every Day Materials' we  identified and compared the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses.

Then we planned and prepared a fair test to see which material is best suited to fix an umbrella for Miss Moran. We investigated different materials to see which was the most waterproof.

Lower Key Stage Two

This year in Year 3/4 we are learning about States of Matter, ElectricitySound, Living things and their Habitats, and Animals including Human (the digestive system).

In 'Sound', we are learning about how sound travels through the air and how our ears convert sound waves into signals which our brain can understand. We experimented with how sounds are made. Then we noted what we could hear, see and feel at different sound stations.

In 'Electricity', we began by thinking about the difference between battery and mains electricity and how different appliances run off these. We then began to explore circuits and create our own circuit diagrams using symbols. To finish, we investigated conductors and insulators and made our own switches using a range of materials.

In 'States of Matter', we have been engaging in a range of fun investigations to help us learn about the differences between solids, liquids and gases. 

Upper Key Stage Two

This year in Year 5/6 we are learning about Earth and Space, Properties and Changes of Materials, Forces, Living Things and their Habitats (life cycles), and Animals including Humans (the human life cycle).

In 'Forces', we have been investigating the amount of force different actions perform, We've learned that force is measured in Newtons using a Newton-metre.

In 'Properties and Changes of Materials, we have been sorting materials based on their properties. We’ve learned about solubility and tested whether items are soluble, and if we can get the materials back using filtering and evaporation

In 'Earth and Space', we have been learning about the planets in our Solar System, including their relative size and their distance from their sun. 

We have looked at the different phases of the moon, and developed our understanding of how the Earth, Moon and other planets move relatively to the sun. 

Online Resources

Here are some links to some websites that may help you to be Scientists at home! 


The Children's University has lots of information and activities.


National Geographic Kids has some fantastic facts for you to learn. 


The Science Museum website is full of information and games.


BBC Bitesize has lots of facts, videos and games for Scientists.