Year 1 and 2
Welcome to Year 1 and 2!
There are 3 classes in Key Stage One this year. The classes are:
Team Jade - Mrs Bradbury
Team Emerald - Mrs Williams
Team Lime - Miss Howard
All 3 teams are supported wonderfully by Mrs Robino, Mrs Egan Miss Burgess and Miss Gray!
Key Stage One Reminders
PE is on a Thursday.
Fruit is available free of charge daily. Toast and milk are available for the half term via Parent Pay.
Remember you can change your reading book every day! Show your reading record to your teacher in a morning when you come in.
Your child will have a 'Reading Reward Card' in their reading record. Please read with your child at home each night. If you sign your child's record (they don't have to change their book) 5 times in one week they will receive one stamp. When they have achieved 4 stamps your child will be given a reward in school. If you are unsure please speak to a member of the team. Thank you for your continued support and happy reading!
Online Home Learning Links
Click on the images to access the websites.
Maths Seed is a fantastic website/app for you to use at home. Children have login details in their reading record.
We set online spellings and maths games for all children on EdShed. Children have login details in their reading record.
Oxford Owl is a wonderful website with lots of free online books to share at home.
Reading Eggs is an amazing website/app that you can use from home. You can have great fun playing games and reading.
Children have login details in their reading record.
Google Classroom
In the event of home learning we will be providing continued learning via Google Classroom.
Google Classroom can be found via this link.
Parent Information
Click here for our Briefing Power Point.
Autumn 1 2024
Liturgical Prayer: Harvest
In whole school assembly we listened to the story of 'Feeding the 500'. We reflected on why so many people follow Jesus and why he performed this miracle. The children discussed why it is important to support the 'Harvest Festival.'
Bible Studies
The story of Moses.
We enjoyed listening to the Story of Moses. We were very sad to hear about the treatment of people in Egypt. We focused on God speaking to Moses and sharing that he’ll be with him. We worked hard on creating a class image to represent God speaking to Moses.
During this unit, the children have been learning about online information and what information is safe to be shared online. Children created their own safe passwords and recognised what makes a strong password. We discussed the need for permission before sharing content and why. Also how they have a right to deny their permission. The children are fully aware of who they can ask for help with online worries.
All Year 1 & 2 have made a great start to the year! We are already so very proud of them.
In science we identified and compared the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses.
We planned and prepared a fair test to see which material is best suited to fix an umbrella for Miss Moran. We investigated different materials to see which was the most waterproof.
Fruity Thinking
This element of SUMO shows us how to replace our Faulty Thinking with ‘Fruity Thinking’ which is more positive. Like fruit is good for our physical health, Fruity Thinking is good for our mental health. It shows us that, when we think differently, we feel differently, behave differently and ultimately achieve different results.
Map it Out
This half term the children have been exploring and creating maps through various art forms, including drawing, felt making, printmaking, and designing stained glass.
Our Local Area
We have been looking at our local area using aerial photographs. The children created simple maps of our school and its grounds. We have also been learning about physical and human features.
British Values
We have been discussing how everyone is equal and should be treated the same. The children have been learning about how democracy allows people to respectfully share their opinions.
Autumn 2 2024
Anti Bullying Week
Our theme for anti-bullying week this year is ‘respect.’ The children were able to think of different ways to show respect when they are in different situations.
Scratch Jr
We have had lots of fun exploring Scratch Jr today. We worked with our partners to tinker with different blocks and characters to see what they could do. We moved on to how to successfully use programming.
We have been looking at toys from the past and present. The children have been learning about how Victorian toys were made compared to today and which toys their grandparents would have played with.
DT - Structures
Baby Bear's Chair
The children have been exploring different shapes stability in order to help us to build a new chair for Baby Bear. We tested different kinds of structures and worked out which would be the most suitable to use.
Spring 1 2025