PSHE Vision Statement
PSHE underpins life at St Edmund’s RC Primary School.
At St Edmund’s, we believe that nurturing happy and healthy children is central to all aspects of their learning and development.
We believe that our children should acquire the ability to make informed, healthy and moral choices in their lives and recognise that they should play a positive role in the school and their wider community.
We endeavour that our PSHE curriculum will help enable our children to become confident, independent members of society with an awareness of their rights and responsibilities as individuals and as part of a diverse society.
Our school were accredited with the Emotionally Friendly School award in May 2018 and we are extremely proud of achieving this award.
If you would like to know more about the PSHE curriculum at St Edmund's, please arrange an appointment with your child's teacher or Mrs Hartley.
Alternatively, statutory information is available by clicking on the links below.
In Nursery and Reception the children are constantly exploring the theme 'Being a good friend' during weekly circle time sessions. The children are learning lots of new vocabulary such as sharing, taking turns, being kind etc and then they are demonstrating these skills within our school environment.
Key Stage 1
Year 1 and 2 have been taking part in weekly circle time sessions. During this session they were discussing how it feels when someone does not listen to you. How we can show we are being a good listener and how we can improve on this, even when it is very difficult.
Key Stage 2
The children really enjoyed making NSPCC question pickers and it helped them to learn what to do if they are in need of help. With friends, they practiced remembering the ChildLine number and they quizzed each other on children's rights and the multiple ways which they can get in touch with ChildLine.
Peer Massage
At St Edmund's we are dedicated to devoting more time to children’s emotional well-being. As we are sure you’ll agree this is a huge part of making sure that all children are happy and healthy. Peer Massage is an inclusive programme of positive touch activities.
Children are shown very simple massages to follow. The clothed massage is extremely relaxing and enjoyable and children can choose if they take part or not. The children listen to relaxing music whilst taking part and the sessions are completed in each class at 1pm everyday.
Weekly Circle Time
At St Edmund's we have a weekly 'Statement to Live By' which is our main PSHE focus for the week. This is introduced in our Monday morning assembly and displayed across the whole school and in each classroom. Each class takes part in a weekly circle time session and this session focuses on the statement to live by.
Ambition Day 2021
Well what a day this was! We had an amazing day, learning and talking about our aspirations and what we would like to be when we all grow up. From rock stars to doctors and make up artists to pilots the children all knew exactly what they wanted to be and also how hard they need to work at school to achieve their dream job.
Take a look at each class page to see the effort that our children and parents went to!
Lego Therapy
Some of our key stage 2 children were chosen to take part in our Lego Therapy Club intervention.
These sessions were fun and an opportunity for the children to develop their speaking and listening skills as well as take on different roles.
The children had to listen to each other carefully to create different structures and this helped them to develop their confidence and self esteem!
Great job guys!
Mr Alzheimer's Workshop
The children in UKS2 got the opportunity to participate in a number of activities, which highlighted the key messages about dementia.
The activities helped the children to understand about the umbrella term 'dementia' and the fact that it is not a natural part of aging, but actually caused by diseases of the
Happy To be Me Club
Children from across the whole school were selected to attend a programme called ‘Happy to be me’ by Happy Secrets. The programme has been specifically designed to help children build and maintain their own self-esteem.
During the sessions the children made a new friend called ‘Cog’ who, just like all children, he sometimes found things difficult and could sometimes make silly mistakes.
Mrs Hartley, Mrs Yardley and Mrs Butler used stories, games, activities, songs and most of all lots of FUN to help the children feel good about themselves.
Mr Alzheimer visits school...
We had a marvellous morning when Mr Alzheimer came to visit our school.
He visited each class and gave us lots of important information and helped to raise awareness of Alzheimer's and Dementia.
Thank you for visiting our school!
We hope to see you again soon!
Our key stage 2 children take part in Bikeabilty each year. This is a level 2 on-road cycle training course which is offered to Year 5 pupils. The course is designed to improve cycle control and the child are therefore encouraged to practise beforehand and continue to practise these skills after completing.
The course includes skills and exercises firstly on the playground. This is then followed by basic manoeuvres on local roads for those who have reached the required standard of cycle control.