St Edmund's RC Primary School

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Queen Street, Little Hulton, Salford M38 0WH

0161 921 1940

St Edmund's RC Primary School


Welcome to our Reception Class!

Reception Team

Team Orange - Mrs Hartley

Team Yellow -Miss Berry 

Mrs Kerrigan, Miss Smith, Miss Mann & Miss Tandy - Teaching Assistants

Miss Gray & Miss Burgess (HLTAs) 

Reception Reminders:

  • PE day is every Friday. Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit.  
  • Please write your child's name on all clothing, bags and belongings. This will help us to take care of everything.   
  • Reading files containing reading books and key words should be sent into school each day. 
  • Fruit is available free of charge daily. Toast and milk are available for the half term via Parent Pay.  Thank you!

Reading Workshop Briefing

Click here for our Reading Workshop presentation. 

Click here, to access the video above. 

Online Home Learning Links

Reading Eggs is an amazing website/app that you can use from home. You can have great fun playing games and reading.

Children have their own individual reading login which you should have received by email. If you cannot find your child's login details, please ask a member of the Reception team and they will gladly give this to you!

Happy reading! 

Click on the image to access the website. 

Mathseeds is part of the Reading eggs app that you can use from home.  You can have great fun playing maths games.

The login for this amazing app is the same as your child's reading login. If you cannot find your child's login details, please ask a member of the Reception team and they will gladly give this to you!


Click on the image to access the website. 

Rhyme Time Challenges 

Each half term we launch a rhyme time challenge with our children. We will always share this on Tapestry. We practice the rhyme, and previous rhymes, in class. Orally rehearsing and performing poems and rhymes can help children with their oracy skills. Our rhymes are available below. 


Practice the rhyme at home and send a video of your child's performance on Tapestry. We'd love to see it. 


As you know Tapestry is wonderful app used by the Early Years Team. We use it to document children's learning journeys in school. We love it when you view our in school learning and add your comments! 
Remember you can use Tapestry at home to share any learning or experiences from home. We always love to hear for you.  Click on the image below to access a guide
to explain 'The why and how of adding observations; for families using Tapestry at home.'

Autumn One 2024

Our new environment 

The children have settled in beautifully this week and are thoroughly enjoying being in Reception.  They have been exploring their new classroom and learning lots of new routines. Their behaviour has been excellent. Well done everyone! What a super first week!

Me and My World 

This half term as part of this wonderful topic we read a variety of themed stories including Incredible Me and Super Duper You. The children have been learning about their bodies, families, being healthy, their emotions and where they live. The reception children loved looking at google earth and drawing maps of where we live. 

Our school library

Reception now visit our school library each week. They have been choosing books independently and reading and looking at them with their friends. We have been teaching the children how a library works and the children are choosing a new library book to take home each week to share with their family. 

Autumn Two 2024


We've been super busy in maths this term learning about matching objects, numbers and amounts.  We've been counting objects, actions and sounds and we've been learning lots about the numbers 1 to 5 and how we can represent these numbers in different ways.  The reception children have also been developing their vocabulary of size and ordering objects by size.

Super star maths! Well done guys! 

Life Skills 

During our life skills session, children learnt about the British value, tolerance. We talked about how we can be tolerant in school, and that children can be playing with the same toy but making different things and that’s okay. We then talked about how we can be drawing the same picture of a cat and that they can all look different.

Sparkle and Shine 

Reception have loved our Autumn two topic ‘Sparkle & Shine’ this half term. We’ve enjoyed learning all about Diwali, bonfire night, birthdays and Christmas. We feel that the children especially loved learning about Diwali by creating diva lamps, dancing to Diwali music and tasting some Indian party food. We’ve enjoyed celebrating and learning together. Well done everyone, we can’t wait to learn more next half term. 


The children have been learning about Advent and what this word means by preparing our classroom and getting ready for Jesus' birthday. The children performed their first nativity, The Wriggly Nativity and they were all wonderful! We've been listening to lots of Christmas stories and we wrote a letter to Santa then posted them at the post box. It is definitely our favourite time of the year in reception and we hope that you all have a magical Christmas at home with your families. 

Spring One 2025

Spring Two 2025

Summer One 2025

Summer Two 2025