St Edmund's RC Primary School

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Queen Street, Little Hulton, Salford M38 0WH

0161 921 1940

St Edmund's RC Primary School


Geography Intent 

At St Edmund’s primary, we have designed our geography curriculum to give the children an opportunity to develop their curiosity and appreciation of different places and cultures.

Developing children’s communication through independent enquiry in order to increase perseverance and resilience is key in all geography learning at St Edmund’s primary. Learning about the physical and human side to geography as well as investigating the collaboration between the two. Understanding the environmental issues both in their locality and globally whilst recognising their Catholic responsibility as a steward so that they can have a positive impact upon their world and particularly the needs of their local community. We support our children in gaining an understanding of how the world’s resources are changing as well as understanding how this will impact on them and their local community, both now and in the future.

EYFS - Understanding the World 

It may seem unusual to think of a 3 or 4 year old child as a geographer but they are at St Edmund's!

Our Early Years unit provides the vital foundations and experiences to see how the world around them works and influences them. You'll find plenty of opportunities to explore, observe, investigate and most importantly talk about the physical world and our community. 



Geography in Lower Key Stage Two 

We don't stop there at St Edmund's our Geography learning builds on and expands previous knowledge into Years 3 and 4.

Our Geography unit this half term is 'Exploring Eastern Europe'. We had a fantastic lesson where we worked in pairs, using the brand new atlases to perfect our map skills - finding the names of countries, capital cities and even some major bodies of water around Europe. We also enjoyed working in groups, using our enquiry-based learning skills to find out about life in different countries in Eastern Europe. Using the Chromebooks helped us to research the physical features of countries, which we then compared with England. 


Online Resources 

Below are some helpful websites which you can access at home!

Exploring 'Google Earth' can be so much fun and a great chance to talk about the world we live in. 

CBBC Newsround is fabulous way for children to stay up-to date with child friendly news from around the world.


Geography in Key Stage One 

As children move into Years 1 & 2 at St Edmund's we don't forget those vital foundations from Early Years, we use them as a building block to deepen our geogrpahical understanding even further. 



In KS1 we have been studying Africa. We started with making a map of the UK.  We then created our own maps of the world. We have learnt a song about the 7 continents of the world and we used this knowledge to help us create our maps. We then added on the 5 oceans too! We have also been using the ipads to find Africa and Kenya. 

Geography in Upper Key Stage Two 

In Years 5 & 6 you'll find our accomplished geographers! 

Year 5/6 have been learning about the United Kingdom , from identifying the countries within the UK, locating cities and then creating their own topographical map of Great Britain out of clay, using paint to represent the land height, including the mountain ranges.

Year 5/6 have been learning all about South America. They used atlases to identify all the countries and their capital cities too. They explored lots of the human and physical geography features, such as populationsize, spoken languages and surrounding oceans

Pied Piper Park Refurbishment

A group of Y5 and 6 pupils recently attended the opening of the Pied Piper Park after its recent refurbishment. 18 months ago, pupils wrote to the council as well as the Mayor of Salford in regards to the park being unsafe for use. Since then work has been done and the park looks much more inviting for the local community to enjoy. 

 Thank you to all of the children for their hard work in helping to improve the park for the local community.