Safer Internet Day 2019
On 5th February, St Edmund's took part in Safer Internet Day. All of our classes in KS1 and KS2 spent time looking at this year's focus: Permission & Consent.
Children completed activities which involved lots of discussions to make sure we are all safe online users, and are aware of the importance of when it is ok to give and ask for permission.
If you would like any more information about Safer Internet Day, follow this link, where there are more videos and resources that you can look at:
In Nursery and Reception, we talked about all the different things that we can do online, for example, a favourite game or app that the children like to play on. Then we discussed the importance of staying safe online. We looked at how when we are online we need to make lots of choices and "How would we feel if we were not given a choice?"
We gave our opinions and voted on whether things were safe to do or not using our thumbs.
Lower KS2
Upper KS2
Year 5 and 6 created a definition of 'Consent' after brainstorming ideas and discussing synonyms to further our understanding. We then looked at different scenarios about online and offline permissions, categorised them and discussed why consent is important.
We watched videos we could relate to and learned a lot about how to 'Say No' in the most appropriate way if we are not happy with consent for something, for example if friends ask to put a photo online which we do not like.
If they are a good friend, they will understand and respect our opinion to say no.